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Saturday, 29 October 2011


ARGH!!   Bitterblue  by Kristin Cashore!!!

The cover has finally and I mean FINALLY been revealed!!

I am a mad (obsessed) fan of Kristin Cashore's writing, and like all her fans have been waiting patiently for any news on Bitterblue, a scrap, and tiny morsel of goss..

Then, one morning as I was checking out my 'Coming Soon' list on GoodRead and *BAM* this beauty was sitting in my list!!
Well, to say I did a very lady like squeal at my desk is the polite way of describing my reaction.

It's fabulous, and it's 500+ pages!!! I am in heaven!

It matches the theme of Fire and Graceling, which I love. The Cover artist is Larry Rostant who is a photographic genius!!

Although the USA/Canada version is nice.. I prefer the Australian covers.. :)


Oh boy, it's time.. time to confess.. Confess to all my lovely purchases from September & October..

$9.90 BookdDepo-PO
$12.66 H BookDepo-PO 
 $13.33 H BookDepo-PO
$7.16 BookDepo
$13.33 H BookDepo-PO
$12.73 H BookDepo-PO
$15.87 H BookDepo
$12.73 H BookDepo-PO
$12.76 H BookDepo-PO 
$6.36 BookDepo
$7.07 BookDepo-PO
$12.73 H BookDepo-PO
$5.36 BookDepo-PO
$5.65 BookDepo-PO
$6.27 BookDepo
$6.27 BookDepo
$12.88 BigW
$16.88 BigW
$11.98 BigW
$12.88 BigW
$13.78 BigW
$12.00 Kmart
$14.00 Kmart
$11.88 BigW
$12.98 BigW
$11.88 BigW
$15.88 BigW
$16.24 BigW
$10.88 BigW
$14.96 BigW
$11.88 BigW
$15.48 BigW
$15.88 BigW
$11.98 BigW
$11.98 BigW
$14.00 Target
$14.00 Target
$19.10 H Target
$? Target

So... Deep breath!
September and October have been a massive book buying month..
A few old pre-orders (9) from back in May ended up in here, but October has to be the biggest release month of the year...
Admittedly, there are a few books that I never expected to see in BigW, like 'Blood Red Road' (I nearly sucked all the oxygen from the shop when I spotted that), and 'Froi of the Exiles' that's been a while coming, and it is a beautiful big book!!
'Hades' was released with a horrid cover, so an order to BookDepository had to be made and to get the good cover, but it ended up being hardback.. :) oh well.

Now, to find the time to read them all.. Bring on that holiday!! :)

Thursday, 27 October 2011


How to Flirt with a Naked Werewolf by Molly Harper  3.5 Stars

Mo and Cooper, definitely have enough sexual tension between them to fuel a TV series for at least 6 seasons!! I love the 'I hate him, but he makes my panties combust' relationships..

Mo has moved to Grundy, Alaska to start a new life and everyone in town is friendly and nice, except for Cooper. Cooper is tall, dark and gorgeous, but grouchy and unfriendly to Mo, he sees her as another tourists on a quest to 'find herself' which usually ends with the person leaving Alaska disappointed and this obviously has a big impact on the small town.

So the attraction between the two characters is great, and I loved the dialogue, there are some fabulous one liners.. I really enjoyed reading Mo's sarcasm and her musings, and Cooper as a Werewolf is lovely. It was a good story, and Molly put a lot of effort building her world and setting, obviously she plans for more in this series, perhaps. 
But the only thing that I found was lacking was the 'nitty gritty'.. Seriously there is all this tension, all this build up and you are expecting fireworks, the pages should be too hot to handle!... And it was a big let down, I was really disappointed that there wasn't more too it. 

With stories that build sexual tension in the context of 'love/hate/you irritate the crap out of me/I can't stop kissing you' - need, must have mind blowing sex.. not glaze over it.. It's like going to a Die Hard movie and then sitting down to watch the bad guy walk out and surrender to Bruce Willis before he has even had the opportunity to blow anything up!! No one wants that!

Monday, 17 October 2011

Best Cover of 2012

Girl of Nightmares by Kendare Blake

Isn't it just awesome??!! I am in love with this cover already!! I didn't think you could top the eerie beauty of the first 'Anna Dressed In Blood' oh but I think they did!!

Kendare certainly has a wonderful creative art department working on her fabulous books!!

I just find myself wanting to take her hand... that one eye peeking through her hair...  ..that's it, I'm gone!!

Kendare Blake's blog

Catch Up.. Homework!!

Catch Up

I know, I have fallen terribly behind, not just updating this, but with my reviews. I have 9 now to do..

I will attempt to get at least one done every night for the next few days..

So, as you can see, I have some homework to get through, but I will.. And it's not because they were bad, it's cause they were really good and I couldn't wait to get to the next book and I am always 1 book behind on my reading challenge and it's kicking my hiney!!