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Thursday, 5 May 2011


Inside Out by Maria V. Snyder

Queen of the Pipes - Trella - she is our Heroine and definitely someone you want fighting on your side. 

Trella is a scrub, her job/life is to clean the air vent and shafts, not a glamourous life, but she uses these to escape from her existence in Inside. To escape the noise, smells, people, the basic crapiness that is life on Inside, living in close quarters with approximately 22,000+ people... 

She is independant, resourceful, tenacious, very smart, and tough! Her world is turned up side down when she gives in to her curiosity to prove her friend Cogon and Broken Man wrong about a possible 'Gateway' or outside. But what she finds is something worth fighting for. 

I love Maria V. Snyder Study series and I suppose looking back, it might be a little dystopian, in it's own way. But, Inside Out touched on that genre more. I get into a dystpoian novel, get hooked and then don't want to read anymore. Not because it's bad, but because I worry, sad little person that I am. 
Authors are the masters of destiny and can very easily kill people you have inadvertantly fallen in love with. It sucks (gawd, what a baby). 

Although, I am finally realizing that the point of a dystopian novel is; yes our characters live in a crappy life/environment/world and horrible things happen to nice people. But the whole story is about those characters and their fight to make a better world for them to live in. Which makes for a great story!! 

At first I found Inside Out difficult to keep up with what was going on and where, because of the layout, but once I finally let go of that I got into the story better. Then I got hooked, it speeds up, takes a breath, then starts up again faster. I liked the delicate romance that was built with Riley and Trella, and I look forward to that heating up in Outside In. Poor girl needs a break!! 

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